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General Discussion

Your views wanted

09 Jun 2009 19:06

A regeneration group - now runs under the name of Dawlish Community Trust, after it was change from the infamous Regeneration something, has put in place a questionaire for the people of Dawlish to have their say on what they would like for Dawlish.
Do you people want Dawlish to change - so that it looks and feels like everywhere else, or do you want to keep it as is?
Having a Tesco or a Sainsbury here maybe convenient for a short while, but I bet it will be inconvenient for more than it will be convenient for. Time will tell.
How about requesting more open space such as that enjoyed by so many at Sandy Lane. There has been no open space of any note set aside for the past 80 years, what an indictment on those that say they are working for Dawlish for all those years.
I think there should be more cafe's, more pubs, more estate agents and more taxi's.
Any other suggestions most welcome.

09 Jun 2009 19:17

More chip shops too lol!

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