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Morty Vicker

Morty Vicker's Posts

That's what UPWITHIT said.

Did anyone on this thread actually make a FOI request? I would have hoped that if they had, then they'd have shared the outcome with us all.

You never see a police officer from one week to the next, and then all of a sudden there are two!

20 Aug 2016

Surely not, Mcjrpc?

It's only been a year since the Red Arrows last displayed at Dawlish... Hopefully the Reds will be back again next year as part of OUR fantastic Carnival.

The best for years - long may it continue in the same vein!

It's definitely Network Rail land and therefore definitely their decision to not allow the benches to be replaced. Loving all the shoutiness btw! 😂 Hopefully someone on DTC, unbeknown to us mere mortals, is actually taking the lead on this matter and therefore continuing the good work started by Michael Clayson, etc.

To those against the play park, may I ask what you think the S106 money should be spent on instead? That's not a loaded question, but a genuine request for constructive ideas. Thank you.

17 Aug 2016

The last time something aspirational was attempted for the lawn, it was shouted down by the same people trying to shout down the play park. Therefore, in my opinion, it's better to follow the lead of a successful model. I've never mentioned attracting people from Paignton. It would be good for local businesses and residents if children didn't have to be taken to Teignmouth to spend time at a ...

Drunken behaviour
16 Aug 2016

Sorry Monty, you were querying the reason why the licence reverted to its current timings. Hence the link and the explanations therein for why it was found to be acceptable at the time. It does sound like you're suffering horrendous experiences. You have my sympathies.