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General Discussion

I feel that he should be banned from the area, and that he should do somthing to contribute to the attack, I don't care if he's 15, 50 or 5. He has still committed a crime and therefore should be punished. Its lucky that myself and 3 other people managed to get to the manner and deal with it in the safest and quickest way possible. Luckly no one was hurt, but still it those not hide the fact that ...

12 Jun 2007

Well, being first on the scene we phoned the fire brigade and the police, I myself informed the hospital to close their windows due to the toxicant smoke from plastic burning, then managed to get the kids to stand well back from the park. I was shocked to see that the police took over half an hour to get their. And can only congratulate the fire service on a fantastic job. The kid who as said ...

To be honest is the most used site for visitors to dawlish, and the topics discussed here are bang out of order, there should be one Cat. and one rule. dis-orderly behavour your out, and Dawlish. I've used these forums allot, and now they are worse than a back alley. I would like to see this site helping the local community, supporting the events that go on, even contacting them and ...

Yes we do, the fab Mr Brian Steffans

15 May 2007

Yea I've got loads who would like to come whats the situation?

Forget Skateboarders, seagulls are worse, I was taking my lunch break yesterday, they where attacking the swans, the whitewash was every where, there where many people on holiday trying to feed ducks and swans, but the gits just wouldnt give in. The numbers need to be sorted, if not by killing then by captureing and moving somwhere eles.

I think the theatre is a great cause, they desevre it, there are many kids who take part in the theatre activites, behind scences and on stage, however I do agree that the council needs to be fair, if a vast majority of youth want a skate park, nothing to big in my opinion or somewhere out the way, then thats what should happen

carnival theme
28 Mar 2007

The theme has not just been annouced, but I'm sure it will be in the paper as soon as the Committee are ready to annouce the theme for this year.

Well done Council, about time somone took action, this site is a great site don't get me wrong, but the people that use it for all the wrong reason are mad. Be gone with public discussions if they can't be used to in the proper manner, and if the webmaster is who I think he is, he should be ashmed of some of the topics which have been bought up which himself are members of. So let's see if sorted ...

Carnival Committee
12 Mar 2007

Good Morning, I've since spoken to members of the committee nobody has resigned last night, the only ones who have stepped down was at the AGM, which all those who stepped down have give a long service most over 10 years. The judgeing is not taken out by the Committee but is done by a guest who this year was from Torquay. It's different judges each year. Regards, TDC

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