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Dawlish News

Think it is this Sunday and then bank holiday weekend (or at least that's what I believe it was scheduled to be @yesterday.)

Oh the irony.

There are some names and faces on page two of this week's Gazette.

10 Aug 2015

On this volunteering issue. Suggest only those who voted Tory should be eligible.

10 Aug 2015

I don't think anyone is against motorists being forced to abide by speed limits. I think what is being discussed is the suggestion that volunteers should somehow be involved. See Leatash's comments above. Will these volunteers have any clout? And what happens if there aren't any volunteers? PS Just did a search on Community Speed Watch schemes. Seems they are being rolled out ...

The old and very dilapidated vicarage by any chance?

A379 closed at Starcross between Staplake Road and Royal Way due to roadworks. Cars and lorries being diverted via Mamhead. Suggest check BBC travel website for up to date details.

From the link that Huw posted: Social and affordable housing Affordable housing is social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. Eligibility is determined with regard to local incomes and local house prices. From April 2012 affordable housing is defined in the National Planning Policy Framework ...

28 May 2015

I am beginning to lose track of the number of times I have put on various threads on this website what is meant by affordable housing. But I'll do it again 1. Rented affordable housing - rents up to 80% of market rates 2. Affordable housing to buy - quite a few different schemes come under this heading including, for example, shared ownership. Those seeking affordable housing have to be ...

27 May 2015

Sara Street Yandle Yard Blackforest Boulevard Channel Island Close Guernsey Grove Appeal Avenue

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