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General Discussion

Personally I think the range of topics is brilliant.  Everything from re-housing chickens to saving Dawlish from the waves to conflict resolution.  Although it may seem to drift off being local at times I see it as a brilliant microcosm of the wider world.  "No (wo)man is an island." - Chickens being re-housed is a bit like offering shelter to refugees. - The storms are very much a global ...

4/22 Hmm indanger of becoming 3/22. To be apolitical for a mo, still better than 0/22 from the Lib Dems. I also note that only 12.3 per cent of the Lib Dem's 57 MPs are female, 16 per cent of Tories and 31 per cent of Labour.  What century are we in??

7 Apr 2014

From the little I understand of these things, it seems the real whopper is the juggling around of which of the two of an MPs 'homes' is their main home.  In this case MM has been forced to undeclare the one she sold (did I hear a £million?), i.e. reverse the attempt to categorise it as her main home.  Hence, it is now liable to capital gains which she must now pay - this being the real punishment ...

Don't get me wrong, I love birds.  But this is one reason why AMM says locals have to be involved in the process.  Otherwise you may have 'a solution' but not like it very much.  e.g. acceleration of the loss of Dawlish Warren, loss of wildlife and/or golf course!!,, 'ugly' granite boulders creating impasses along the beach, general change in natural character and appearance of the shoreline....

@Mrs C - not 'mystic clive' (i should wish, i'd be a very rich man!)  please see lynne's thread on 'network rail... deffo...breakwater'. @leatash - norway granite is best.  dawlish defences have used dartmoor granite (by rail) and more laterly norway granite (by sea).  as above, please see lynne's thread on 'network rail... deffo...breakwater'. @Daverc - yes mission creep by me i ...

...and as many of you have probably read...tradeoffs of 'adequate' defences against predictable storms have been in print... The Environment Agency has been accused of putting the needs of wildlife before those of humans in ...

7 Apr 2014 With respect to considerations of a 'breakwater' this link is very interesting.  It gives quite an indepth study by Southampton Uni around 6years ago of the 'tradeoff battle' between wildlife and the status quo of the Warren vs natural replenishment from the Dawlish Beaches vs railway.  The fundamental issue is longshore drift.  This can be ...

Did Dawlish get struck by a tsunami? - That would be an act of god. Was there a volcanic eruption? - That would be an act of god. Did Dawlish get extreme storms ? - Yes - Not an act of god. Sorry Mrs C, but if you attribute outcomes as being inevitable in the face of perfectly predictable extreme weather in this era of climate change, then best just shrug it off when the next stretch ...

4 Apr 2014

Sure nature did the damage but the council or whoever is responsible should never have let things get so ridiculously bad in the first place.  It's a perfectly predictable outcome. Doesn't really matter the timing of which went first, the groynes or the sand.  The point is that the two are designed to be mutually beneficial to each other.  Groynes help sand deposition that then helps protects ...

Or as the saying goes, 'you cannot make omelettes without breaking eggs'!

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