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General Discussion

Carnival Valor is now here, quite a sight to behold....upwards of 1 to 2 billions pounds sterling of ships when built. Now worth, uhm..............not a lot then add the debt the company has plus the massive amount of money already paid in reservation for this years cruises. Anyone want to buy a cruise ship on the cheap now is the time to do it. oh....and the approx £250 million a month ...

You can always rely on our councils and government to spend as much as THEY like on what ever THEY like when ever THEY like. It's not like there is a problem getting more, is there !

19 Jun 2020

2020 will go down in history as one of the times when our social structure and government went totally tits up.

@Carer .....1 commercial passenger plane coming from an infected country is one to many. Considering most people are being allowed to just stroll through the airport and go and see who ever they like. The UK is an island and as such we had a great advantage over most countries to limit people entering, but no the f@#$/^g government made a complete balls up of it. Don't get me started on all ...

And the 10k each mp got for the hardship of having to work from home

@Carer .....airplanes......are u sure!!!!!!!!!!!!, because there are plenty in the sky and at least 40 coming into Heathrow today.

15 Jun 2020

lit up like a xmas tree last night. seemed like an awful lot of lights for a skeleton crew.

14 Jun 2020

A cruise ship with the capacity for 4,724 passengers and 1386 crew is currently on its way into Torbay. May 15th Gibraltar May 20th Dubrovnik June 03rd Barcelona June 12th Dover June 14th Torbay  16:30hrs arrival. Hope they remember and practice the 2m distance rule. Who in their right mind would get on this massive incubator during a pandemic. Not much hope for the human ...

@burnside.....we are not there yet. i have no faith in what this government says. i will only believe it when we actually leave and not until. mind u come 2021 the government will more than likely be driven by thg black lives matter group.

New sea defences have been ripped a part by sea erosion and it isn't going to get better anytime soon.

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