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b.o.liking's Posts

If my memory serves me and i stand to be corrected was it not the E.U. trying to expand the union near the Russian border that caused them to invade Ukraine and Crimea. Now we have put a small amount of troops in Poland. doesn't this have smacks of history repeating itself?

16 Dec 2016

Having seen the way the French and EU leaders reacted to the meeting with Theresa May on the news last night is it no wonder that the snubbing she was shown only went to prove there was only one adult in that room.  What these so called leaders should bloody well remember especially the French Begiums Dutch etc was a lot of men women went to war to free these so called MEN. There now ...

Could it Happen?
3 Dec 2016

For  those on this site that know of my high regard i hold Anthony Blair,so i have this feeling that Tony will be making a comeback by reforming a New New Labour party to bring a new referendum and bring competition to Corbin aka Jeremy. You heard it here first.

Wants  Referendum because we did'nt understand the previous vote. Such arrogance

Hi Lynne i respect your point of view but it does omit one thing when Ted Heath took us into Europe the ballot paper only allowed the vote on joining the Common Market not the federal state of Europe and every detail it would cover.In fact it may be wiser to say we were mislead and so our entry was invalid.

3 Nov 2016

So what happens to the 17 odd million who voted by a mojority to leave?

As Yosser  Hughes would say         Give us a job.............   Pronto

Gareth Southgate is already making excuses why the England team played so badly and although being promoted to full time position by that old  fart  Trevor Brooking has done nothing in his career to justify such a position. Sack the temp manager

Scam Phone Call HMRC
30 Sep 2016

May help someone. But had a phone call, so say from H.M.R.C. saying a lawsuit is in progress against me and I dial 1 to speak to a case officer. It seems that this person will say you owe some money But if you settle up now it would be cheaper. Do Not Bite. Having spoke to H.M.R.C there are several of these scams going on. The message was on an automated service.

Just tell the bog off. What are they going to do sack us.