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b.o.liking's Posts

Leave the E.U. with no deal  thats what we voted for and when Russia kicks off  over E.U. expansionism  in Crimea and the Ukraine, We leave Our so called  Friends and Partners to be on thier own and leave NATO. AKA Go and Sod off. We have sent our best young men and women before  to protect these ungrateful bastards.NEVER NEVER AGAIN! You are on your own.

20 Nov 2018

If it's true we have no say on future decission making or  the right to veto. Maybe they would demand we surrender our entire Royal Navy fleet sailing it into a German or French port. Followed by a  document signing at a forest 40 odd miles North of Paris.  If Railway carriage available.

TheC.  B. I. to want to keep us in the EU and are willing to to let the uk tax payers subsidise the trade they do by the UK tax payer to the tune of 49 Billion pounds. These companies should name themeselves so we can remember the stance taken over democracy. Start working for a living Instead of us bailing you out .No mention at T.May/CBI meeting about 14.7 million who voted brexit ...

Reopen the okehampton line ,you cannot avoid or beat nature.

I thought nobody could surpass Tony Blair for being deceitful to the British people. But Teresa May has  passed his treachery in spades.She has belittled us and made this country a friggin laughing stock . With Sir Ted Heath taking us into the Common Market with a  deal he signed us up for and later wrote that by the time we knew what was happening it would be too late. Now the ...

GOOD Now for the Cats

the great European Sir Nick Clegg has run away to a multi million dollar job, not I hasten to add in europe where most of his arse  licking has been,but to America.What a complete and unprincipled Shoyster this liberal is Again only thankful this S--- wasn't one of our war time leaders. There are more words I would use but alas!

well you  remainers i still don,t know where your meetings are. Or who the speakers are.

The prime Minister of Malta thinks we should re run the referedum. Maybe our brave servicemen and women during the last war they should have had a vote whether to risk thier lives in trying to save his shitty litle island from the Nazis. Maybe we should not forget the twenty seven countries who are trying to  make  us grovel. Every dog has it's day.

Thought I would pass on the information that's all .But for those who don't agree with above could you tell me where your bloody meetings are taking place ?