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General Discussion

New Benches
4 Oct 2012

Could it be that TDC are planning to build on it?

30 Sep 2012

Sainsburys' other than a few items we do not use the store now, Dawlish co-op still needs to improve but they do seem to be trying.

29 Sep 2012

Or if the shelves have any thing on them, have you tried to buy large skimmed milk. I went in on Friday for 5 items, 3 no stock on the shelf and 2 out of date. And this is not the first time it has happened more than once.

I believe that the laundry down by the library takes in dry cleaning

Birds are doing very well in my garden ,  but we have not seen the woodpeckers this year. Also no sign of the cirl buntings down the gatehouse end of the lane. Thats not surprising considering the wholesale destruction that is going on down there.

10 Sep 2012

seems that a neighbour has arranged removal of mr mole, so no more damage to my lawn. I am told that it was all carried out by a professional. Rip mr mole

8 Sep 2012

To me affordable is houses that young people on lower earnings that cannot afford a mortgage on a £250000 house. People who need affordable housing are not all doleys they are hard working people that cannot get on the property ladder with house prices as they are. just off to the pirates cabin to congratulate a hard working man on his achievment.

When we last visited 2 weeks ago the coffee was good and the atmosphere was excellent. Will try to get a visit today, just to congratulate him.

7 Sep 2012

How many affordable rabbit hutches does 300million build And how much countryside goes under concrete, somebody ask the Irish about housing development.

I think before that day I shall move, I already shed tears when I see what is happening on the present site. The wholesale destruction of wildlife habitat just to build houses that are going to be crammed onto the site. All of this ruination of good country side just to satisfy politicians' ideas that  doing this is going to regenerate the economy. Did it work in ireland?

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