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General Discussion

Lynne,  Work houses will return, and the British will let it happen.

The programme was a joke.  An absolutge waste of time as far as I was concerned.

What really gets me with all that's gone on since Thatcher, is the British apathy which mantains the states quo.

2 Apr 2013

""The electorate may vote/have voted for low taxes, but they still expect good and plentiful hospitals, schools, police, armed forces, road sweepers, pot hole free roads, state pensions etc. etc."".  BANG ON.  We want our cake and eat it. . But, and here's another rub. Look at the money we spend abroad ? in all and everyway. ??????????????

2 Apr 2013

Lynne, on re- reading your posting, I have to say that this rolling back of the state began under Thatcher, Cameron is merely finishing off what she started. There is nothing "present" about this.  The British electorate have continually voted for right wing low income tax Government's since the 80's, and now it is being reaped, what has been sown.

2 Apr 2013

Lynne, that's just it, the Tories dont want to cut the deficit, they are using the deficit as a cover to reduce both the welfare State, and the role of the State. That's it in a nutshell.

Cold kills 200 British pensioners a day during winter. Britain has 12 million elderly people. “”Nine elderly people died every hour from cold-related illnesses last winter against a background of soaring energy bills. Official figures show the number of deaths linked to cold over the four-month period reached 25,400 in England and Wales, plus 2,760 in Scotland. Charities and energy ...

Lynn, Again, the Toroes are using the deficit as a cover to dismantle the welfare State because they have an inherant loathing of it.  Its that simple. Dont look for answers, there arent any.  People are being made unemployed and homeless on the alter of righht wing Tory ideology.

2 Apr 2013

There is nothing intellectual about these cuts.  The Tory's are using the deficit as a cover to reduce welfare because they dont believe in the welfare state, and the Tory'sdont believe in the role of the State either. The poor are now being sacrifised on the alter of right wing Tory ideoligy, but nobody is saying this in the media.

1 Apr 2013

No its true,   Just like under Margaret Thatcher, millions are being made unemployed as an inflationary tool

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