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General Discussion

He did get off. the article was here once BUT NOT ANYMORE??????????

22 Jul 2009

Maggies are butchers, bakers and candlestick makers. They are a cut above the rest of society, have friends with funny hand shakes, and can do no wrong. The legal advisor will be the one to blame if there is a shout about the maggies.

Wassa matta wid de feeld?

Brunswick Arms
21 Jul 2009

And FEL-699 and Roy want to meet me, they must be as mad as I am.

21 Jul 2009

In-patients are on a sort of probation, we are allowed out on their terms. Part of the process to see if we can be trusted. I got to the entrance of the hospital and now I have the option of going as far as Fir Bank garage. If I fail, (go further) it is back to square one-confined to barracks for another 6 months etc.

What is a technicality?

Brunswick Arms
21 Jul 2009

Not being a Dawlishonian, I am only allowed on a daily basis to go as far as the Fir Bank garage - for the moment. When I am allowed further afield, I will investigate.

20 Jul 2009

Directions??????? From my padded cell please.

Can I remind you...
20 Jul 2009

Agreed, but some people agree to disagree, and how they handle that is the problem.

20 Jul 2009

What bullying and libel would that be - share it with us please?

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