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General Discussion

Burning of efigies

15 Sep 2006 20:30

What do you lot think of the 'burning of the pope'? Obviously not the real pope, but muslims objecting to the pope quoting from a god knows how many hundreds of years old text.
Some day the catholics will revolt and start burning efigies of mohammed - can't wait to see that being shown on the lefty right-on BBC

16 Sep 2006 09:49

i so agree. why can muslisms go around holding placards praising 9/11 and 7/7 in Trafalgar Sqaure in our capital city and asking for the destruction of the West and our culture ?? We critise Islam in any way and you have all these pro-muslim groups kicking off and demanding apologies.

Things need to change. Muslim paranoia is getting out of hand and the balance needs to be addressed.

p.s This is a very interesting subject. Please let's make this an informed debate and not have people making blatant racist remarks. Keep it balanced and accurate people.

16 Sep 2006 17:50

You have to assume there are just as many loony Muslims as loony Christians. I was equally fed up when all the Muslims got up in arms about the Mohammed caricatures in the newspapers a few months ago. That was, until all the looney christians got up in arms about the Madonna concerts and Madonna on a 'disco' cross.

At that point I began to realise that they are all nuts.

boot strap bill
boot strap bill
17 Sep 2006 18:09

I feel that this countries identity (great Britain) is disappearing into oblivion, no wonder people are leaving this country in there droves to make a new life abroad, at this rate probably in around 20years if not sooner we could be living in an Islamic state, now that’s a frightening thought! Oh if only Enoch Powell was alive he would be saying …I told you so, those of you old enough to remember his speech (the rivers of blood) in 1968 foretold this and for that branded a racist by the Tory government, when is this government going to wake up and smell the coffee and realize that there is a problem with immigration and someone having the b*****ks to do something about it

18 Sep 2006 14:37

Boot strap bill (love the name by the way - fellow fan) you are so right. If it wasn't for family in this country we'd be off. Have even looked at emigration sites for Australia - hubby and I don't quite qualify unless we start up a business which is not what we want to do. But when the day comes that my daughter has to wear a headscarf to school we're off. For a religion that supposed preaches tolerance and peace they show none to others. When your holy book says that non-bleivers deserve to die something is way out. Christians, jews, sikhs and hindus are not exempt from all the violence in the name of religion, we've only got to look at northern ireland to see that.

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