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General Discussion

old basterd asalt


a bunch of us were skating outside dawn at marine parade and some butch slag came out of the front door and started shouting at us saying that they couldnt hear their own teles so we told her to turn it the f*ck up. this is whilst 3 different people were filming us skatin so she went back inside and the next thing i see is my friend be slung off of a rail by an old man saying that he was going to citizens arrest him for tresspassing and criminal damage so he shuged the old man off and told him to get the f*ck away. he skated off. but now i think that for all the old people that were filming it that they going to conveniently lose there video tapes so the evidance has gone!!!

08 Mar 2007 23:28

First of all, if you like it or not, we are all going to be old one day, and we will all think the same, just want some peice and quite. Secondly swearing at old people, young people, anyone is very childish and well be polite to them, and work ways around the problem.

Dawlish and/or Teignmouth seriously need a skate park and a good youth club I agree, but until then there plenty of places to skate and plenty of things to do.

Respect others, expecialy old people, they have lived a long life and are by now tired and desevre peace.

Just lower the tone, be polite and write to the council about getting a skate park, better youth clubs etc.

Good Luck, many regards.


09 Mar 2007 08:45

learn some respect you foul mouthed idiot, like tdc said you will be old one day, and if i catch anyone being abusive to old people there for it!!!!

Eli Scrunge
Eli Scrunge
09 Mar 2007 09:08

I was sorting out loads of re-cyclable stuff the other day, as I do every day in fact.
None of this will benefit me in the future, because I'll be dead.
The people who will benefit are the illiterate,ignorant young tossers of today who only think of themselves and nobody else.

soo. sufferer of the skateboarding on marine parade and if you are then tough shit. yeah i will be old but not yet and until then im going to be young so theres no point in acting old so im going to make the most of my youth so av it!!!! so go ahead catch me then and well talk

pissed off skateboarder
pissed off skateboarder
09 Mar 2007 10:46

maybe all you old b*stards should learn some respect
u r the ones that come out of your houses effin and blindin telling us to f*ck off
u r the ones that try to run us over
u r the ones constantly filming us everytime we come down to parade for to why dont u just f*ck off and turn the t.v up and let us skate.we are still coming down to marine parade wheather you like it or f*ck all u old b*stards!

09 Mar 2007 12:31

As I was saying, all you 'illiterate, ignorant tossers' with no respect for anyone.
The only way you can express yourself in the written (or verbal) format is by stringing loads of swear words together.
What you need is 2 years national service to keep you off the streets.
Now go and ask your illiterate parents what that is!

09 Mar 2007 18:06

A very self-important college freshman attending a recent football game,took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.
"You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one," the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. "The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon, our spaceships have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light-speed processing .....and," pausing to take another drink of beer.
The Senior took advantage of the break in the student's litany and said, "You're right, son. We didn't have those things when we were we invented them. Now, you arrogant little s***, what are you doing for the next generation?"
The applause was resounding...
Respect is what is lacking from young and old alike.

Kieran loacl skateboarder
Kieran loacl skateboarder
09 Mar 2007 21:46

There arent plenty of places 2 skate we go 2 life 3 diffent places in like and hour and get moved everytime we have no were we need a skatepark and a youth club the conucil need 2 sort it out insted of just sitting around bossing everywon around.

I mean i skateboard and most days i go skateboarding and all i wanna do in express myself but i cant and there is people sad enough 2 take pictures of us cause we stand on a wall !!!!
what is this town coming 2

Might aswell arrest us for breathing !!!

(loacl skateboarder)

Guest User
Guest User
11 Mar 2007 15:55

i have 2 say i do have respect for the elderly, but i do not agree that they can talk 2 youngsters in inappropriate ways, and as soon as they get a reply us youngsters have no respect! come on let the youths of today have there youth.

21 Mar 2007 19:48

What an idiot, do you really think you are being clever? Grow up

21 Mar 2007 19:52

Why not try using your brain instead of the language you are using or is that too difficult for you.

just an idea
just an idea
23 Mar 2007 18:22

where i live, we actually listen to each other! despite the odds being stacked against us, a commitee was formed by the young, old, parents and anyone else interested and a year later have stated a youth club (a very successful venture) and built a youth shelter and lots more...the next town got the skate park after a 7 yr battle..point being..IT CAN BE DONE!! Please learn that you all need to stand together and use both the positive and the negative and your TOWN COUNCIL to achieve the results that will make all involved happy. Unfortunatly that's it simple and clear..THINK PRO-ACTIVE AND in the words of NIKE...'JUST DO IT'!!

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