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General Discussion

07 Apr 2020 12:15

Looking at the coronavirus data -

And in particular the UK deaths graph -

It seems to be dropping. Maybe too early to tell for certain but possibly some light at the end of the tunnel.

1 Agree
07 Apr 2020 14:08
3 Agrees
09 Apr 2020 00:22

I read a stat somewhere that the probable infection rate in the UK is about 1000 times the number of fatalities.

That would indicate that circa 7,000,000 people in the UK are infected....and I'm still hearing people saying 1. There is no coronavirus in Dawlish and 2. There is no coronavirus in Devon!

People need to get real and do what they're being told to do...particularly the morons coming down the M5 in their caravans!!! :(


3 Agrees
09 Apr 2020 10:27

I am on day 33 of total lockdown and when i opened my window this morning at 0730 to let some great Dawlish sea air in i overheard an interesting conversation from a family of five stood right under my window, it went something like this" How's this then kids, we will be safer here than Walthamstow, what time can we go to were we are staying dad? oh about 11 ish we will go shopping first and get some food and then we can eat. So my advice to those out there who believe they are safe because we live in Devon, we are not because there are those who will put money over the safety of their neighbours.  They are amongst us, and if any of you know who they are then phone the relevant authority and drop them in the proverbial because it's your lives at risk.

3 Agrees
09 Apr 2020 13:06

It's definitely in Devon, I have family members (not in Dawlish) who have it and I think I may have had it myself - but mildly. So that puts it in Dawlish too.


09 Apr 2020 15:06

There have been deaths in Devon but so far we have been lucky.  As explained last night on the BBC we had very few cases as lockdown started and with the large number of retired in the South West who decided to self isolate before lockdown  this has been a contributary factor to the low number of infections. But this weekend could see all that reversed if folk don't STAY IN DOORS and selfish individuals accept guests from other parts of the UK 

1 Agree
09 Apr 2020 15:11
09 Apr 2020 17:43

But we don't need to worry, as Donald Trump says he will have it sorted by Easter. cheeky

1 Agree
09 Apr 2020 18:06

On Facebook, Devon & Cornwall police are asking people to report breaches of their instructions to STAY AT HOME. So if you know of anyone who's done just that , dob them in for all our sakes.

Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
10 Apr 2020 12:25

Can anyone understand that flights are still coming in from hot spots such as New York, Italy, Spain, France and so on, and of course the channel tunnel still running? I watched the BBC question time last night and the moderator bought up a question sent in by a person about flights still entering the country with no checks except passport control and just walk into the country, this will only make the matter worse for the UK but the question went unanswered. Or am I wrong?

1 Agree
10 Apr 2020 14:05

Passenger flights are believed to have been cut by up to 95%, but that still means one in 20 are taking off.

Airlines say they are keeping vital links open.

"We are working with European Union (EU) governments to try to keep some minimum flight links open for emergency reasons, even though the passenger loads on these flights will be very low," said Ryanair.

But other flights are to bring stranded people home.

BA, Virgin Atlantic, EasyJet, Jet2 and Titan are among airlines that have agreed to fly Britons back to the UK.

"We are doing everything we can to bring customers home, including critical workers," BA told the BBC.

"Not all governments are allowing flights. We are working with the Foreign Office to open routes where we can."

The UK government has also pledged £75m to help provide charter flights to bring UK nationals back from countries where commercial flights aren't available.

BA is already operating a number of repatriation flights chartered by the Foreign Office from Lima, Peru.

(BBC 30 March)

14 Apr 2020 08:25

Good resource of the actual numbers





The UK death rate at the moment is 167 per million of the population. You can look at the figures of the other countries who handled this better and tested aggressively.

15 Apr 2020 10:09
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
16 Apr 2020 12:18

Our country and the world is upside down nothing appears real any more nobody talks to anyone, everyone, for the most part, are keeping their distance. So getting your head around this horror is so hard to imagine, its as if we are all playing a part in a horror movie. We have the American TV channel CNN pretty much on 24/7 with a lot more information. The US has a population of 330 million with 30 thousand deaths, we here in the UK population 63 million with 13 thousand deaths. So you can see per capita we here have a higher death rate and that does not include retirement homes apparently. I feel that the UK Government is not giving enough information for the citizens, I foresee a collapse of the Government and anarchy, riots and looting. Am I wrong I hope so? Or am I making to much of it?

16 Apr 2020 13:14

It's what it is information is patchy because the powers that be dont as yet understand how this virus works and all goverments around the world are just playing for time untill science finds the answers. I have just been reading a report from the WHA that hints this could go on until 2022 in some form or another to me this is going to carry on until a vaccine is available and that could take 12 to 18 months. So how do i see this going restrictions will slowly be lifted schools will go back some shops will open infections will increase and we will lockdown again and on it will go until a vaccine comes on stream. All we have to do is STAY AT HOME it's not complicated and it's a simple choice do as we are told or die it is as simple as that. I have now been in total isolation for 40 days i haven't seen anyone i speak to my children and friends online and have all my food etc delivered to the door and if need be i can do this for another 12 months. 

16 Apr 2020 13:42
16 Apr 2020 19:21
17 Apr 2020 08:52
18 Apr 2020 20:35
20 Apr 2020 06:35
21 Apr 2020 09:34
22 Apr 2020 20:37

It must be more than a small dirty market in Wuhan that has caused this pandemic.

I personally believe that it is the Biological Labortatory that has caused this.

Regardless of what caused it, China is the culprit.

It's about time that China is outlawed by every country and lets go back to producing our own goods, especially with this current PPE fiasco.

Why on earth did we have to rely on another country to produce it?

Haven't we got enough resorces in this country to produce our own?

Or does it all go back to Thatcher's Breat Britain for Sale government?


Wake up UK. Let's produce our own stuff again instead of relying on far flung foreign countries!

1 Agree
22 Apr 2020 23:20

Why have we no longer got the capability to produce our own PPE?

EU Procurement Regulations is the simple answer!


2 Agrees
22 Apr 2020 23:30

It's all about price China can make gear cheaper.

25 Apr 2020 18:09
28 Apr 2020 18:56
29 Apr 2020 07:58
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