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General Discussion

28 Aug 2021 03:47

Covid 19 cases in Dawlish are more than double those at Christmas.


This has been exacerbated by the prevalence of 'Staycations' and the like.


Should those making the money out of this situation (Holiday Camps, Cafes, Festivals (Powderham comes to mind), Leisure activities etc) put some money, from their bonanza, into funding things like Carnival, Snookyfest, Triathlon, Wildfowl purchases etc for next year to make up for the suffering the town has gone through to allow them to make their money this year?


I think they should....and a BIG load of it!

4 Agrees
28 Aug 2021 06:13

Might their counter argument be that they lost a lot of money in 2020 so need to make up for it in 2021? 




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