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Dawlish Notices

Exploring The Past

Dawlish Events
Dawlish Events
25 Feb 2024 12:06

Event finished

March 9th! 7-9PM.
Tickets for the well anticipated ‘Dawlish Exploring the Past’ go on sale Monday! It was a sell out show last time, so definitely do not miss out this time around!
The evening will be divided into two halves. David will give an illustrated talk on how Dawlish grew from a small fishing village into an elegant seaside resort during Georgian and Victorian times. This was mainly due to the influence of three gentlemen: Charles Hoare, John Edye Manning and, of course, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. It’s a fascinating story.
After the interval, Jim will present a hilarious, no-holds-barred account of his life growing up in Dawlish during the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s. This was before there were any supermarkets in the area when you could buy almost anything and everything in the local shops. It was also a time when everyone knew everyone else, and the local bobby could give you a clip round the ear for being cheeky!


Location: Shaftesbury Theatre

Saturday, 9 March 2024

Start 19:00

Contact: 01626 863061


25 Feb 2024 13:57

Not so elegant now with its amusement arcade, bookies and a burger joint next to the plastic zoo.


4 Agrees
25 Feb 2024 18:05

Oh dear. Why do people feel the need to publish negative comments all the time? Don't they have something better to do than to run people and places down? Dawlish is a haven compared to some other places in the country and if they don't realise this then they really need to get out a bit more.

3 Agrees

Expat's description is accurate. Maybe Expat  like a lot of us believe Dawlish could be much better. That's not running down a place or it's people, a lot of seaside resort towns have seen better days.


2 Agrees
25 Feb 2024 22:02

It would be interesting to know what proportion of people who find Dawlish unsatisfactory came here from other places

26 Feb 2024 10:51

I do get out more and see many towns with busy town centres, better and more varied shops and better parking. Dartmouth for example with 2 hours free parking by the river with a two minute walk to the shops. Its not about posting negative comments its about constructive criticism. By the way I was born and raised here nearly 70 years ago so havent "came here from other places"

4 Agrees

@Cassandra Could you expand on that? This is the discussion section after all. I don't know if you read the original post or looked at the link, but Expat's comment is accurate. Dawlish was an elegant seaside resort in Georgian and Victorian times - mainly due to three men who by the way weren't from the town. Given that it was originally a small fishing village, a lot of people would've moved here from other places over the years.

You mention people publishing negative comments all the time. It was one comment. And it's hardly running down a people or the town. It's just an opinion.

Maybe the comment is because they feel the town and it's people deserve better.

If we compare Dawlish in its Victorian/Georgian hey day to today with its 'amusement arcade, bookies and a burger joint next to the plastic zoo' then yes it's not so elegant. Compared to other Victorian/Georgian seaside resort towns in the SW parts of Dawlish look run down and it caters to mainstream UK tourism nowadays, not Victorian/Georgian gentry and aristocrats.


Did you read this?


After the interval, Jim will present a hilarious, no-holds-barred account of his life growing up in Dawlish during the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s. This was before there were any supermarkets in the area when you could buy almost anything and everything in the local shops. It was also a time when everyone knew everyone else, and the local bobby could give you a clip round the ear for being cheeky!


People who remember Dawlish in the 50s, 60s and 70s, etc would be a better judge of whether Dawlish was better/more satisfactory back then compared to now - minus Policemen clipping you around the ear, but at least the Police had a presence! People moving here from other places will  compare Dawlish to wherver they came from and won't necessarily be concerned/aware that the town is in decline and in my view lacking civic pride. And I haven't even mentioned infraestructure problems. employment issues and unsustainable housing in what is effectively Dawlish Newtown or North Dawlish.

Admittedly I've not listed anything positive. Given the context of 14 years of austerity, the decine of UK seaside touirist resort towns, corrupt Councils just allowing developers to build lots of homes which local people cannot afford, etc it is hard to think of many significant positives. I could list more concerns/issues.

You might not want to hear what you see as negatives and others see as truisms. And my comments aren't meant to run down a people or place or because I'm bored, but some people enjoy debate and see it as a healthy part of community life, free speech and democracy. and that includes being critical. Otherwise nothing would change.


2 Agrees
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