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Local Trader calls out Lib Dem Cllr Wrigley's Ego Driven Dictatorship


Lib Dem Cllr Martin Wrigley has really increased the frequency of his social media posts as the election approaches.


This one in particular is insulting to traders in Newton Abbot who face losing their livelihoods because of this man and his cabal in Teignbridge District Council and their disastrous decisions effecting Queen St, completely ignoring traders and residents views and concerns.

They definitely don't want the Lib Dems being made first in Newton Abbot Constituency. And Wrigley needs to look up 'together' in a dictionary,


This trader debunks the false persona that Wrigley has cultivated in one fell swoop. All Wrigley has got is 'we're not the Tories', banking on nationwide distrust and disdain for the nasty Tories.

He is gambling on us, the public not knowing anything about his and the Lib Dem's awful record in local government - some say the Teignbridge Lib Dems under Wrigley's leadership are the neo-nasty party.

He is banking on us the public being ill-informed and gullible, falling for his spin and misinformation.

He treats Newton Abbot traders with contempt. He takes us all for fools.


What do you think?

This is meant to be a discussion forum after all.


Wrigley did come 2nd behind Conservative Anne-Marie Morrs in 2019 but with 11689 votes to her 29190 votes. He conveniently neglects to mention this. The Lib Dems were third behind Labour in 2017, he never recognizes this. The Lib Dems are not predicted to do well this year, hence his desparate, trite social media posts.




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