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Cooking with Tallyrand

RECIPE BRUNCH - extra creamy scrambled eggs


my method for scrambled eggs is quite an unusual one, but is so worth the little extra time it takes

recipe is per portion

excellant when served with a side of chimmichurri sauce and slices of hot, toasted malted fruit loaf.

This was a top seller on my brunch menu for three years before returning to the UK last year. Its sounds like an unusual combo but the flavours and textures work so well together



butter 25 gm
eggs - large 3 pc
cream, creme fraiche or greek yoghurt 2 tbs


  1. pre-heat a thick based (NON STICK) saucepan over a low to medium heat (low heat and slow cooking is the key)
  2. break eggs into a bowl, and break 25 gm of butter into small knobs (do not whisk or season the eggs, the eggs will break down and combine as they cook)
  3. pour eggs into the pre-heated pan and allow to slowly cook while stirring continuously with a rubber spatula, until the butter has melted, the eggs have broken down and combined, until the eggs are cooked to a soft baveuse stage (approx 6 minutes)
  4. remove from the heat and stir in enough cream to suit one's own taste
  5. season and add any other ingredients you wish at this stage, eg cooked mushrooms, smoked salmon, freshly chopped herbs etc


chef notes               

  • this method, while differing from the usual method produces wonderfully light and creamy eggs
  • baveuse is the stage where the eggs are still soft and just undercooked
  • avoid the temptation to thoroughly cook in the pan; as the eggs will continue to cook when removed from the heat. If allowed to cook in the pan syneresis will take place, this is the overcooking of eggs when the protein will toughen and squeeze out the liquid, resulting in watery scrambled eggs
  • never scramble eggs in an aluminium pan, as they will discolour and become grey due to a chemical reaction with the aluminium.
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