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Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church


Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church, 20 Albert Street, Dawlish. EX7 9LA
Friday, 20 July 2012
Start 19:30
Contact: 01626 891221

CLAIRVOYANT EVENING with Sue Toon & Kathy Upton on FRIDAY, 20TH JULY

Another opportunity to hear from our departed loved ones and realise that they are only a thought away and watching over us with love.  When we feel bereaved or bereft it's a great comfort to know that our loved ones survive what we call death and flourish in the World of Spirit, free from all Earthly pain and suffering and restored to youthful vigour.  Those who are able to link through Sue or Kathy will be delighted to have the opportunity to let you know that their bond of love is never broken.  If you feel inclined to come, you can be sure they will be encouraging you.  We charge a small Entry Fee of £2.50, which goes towards the upkeep of the Church and includes a cup of tea or coffee afterwards and time for a chat.  Hope to see you around 7.15 p.m. for a 7.30 p.m. start.    smiley