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BOO HOO's Posts

Ban Xmas, Ban Halloween and definetly Ban Guy Fawkes.....said Herr Boris to his Elite Guard.

12 Oct 2020

Wouldn't the kids trick or treating be wearing masks in adherence to Herr Boris's rules anyway.

Like mind......don't you want to know the facts surrounding this most basic of information. Or are you content to just know there are 3 people who have tested positive and not question the circumstances.

29 Sep 2020

Do they have any symptoms or not, are they self isolating, were they hospitalised, how old were they, do they all reside at the same property, do they have any other heath issues. Why did they get tested...because they felt like out or were they concerned they had out. Just saying there are 3 cases in a general area is just scare mongering in my opinion.

POMP AND CEREMONY AT IT@S BEST. BROUGHT TO YOU BY TAX PAYER'S DONATIONS. I assume he travelled first class and most probably with a large number of support staff to:- a) tell him where the wall was. b) why he was actually there. c) what to say and more importantly what NOT to say. d) when to leave.

Considering the actual statistics of covid 19 in relation to the governments dubious infection rate compared to actual deaths caused by other causes I find it surreal we are in this orwellian dytopia in the first place. As to our local council !

@thanks Ziggy, Considering this location would go out to a wide audience of people all I would say is outskirts of Dawlish.

WTF is there such a demand for tens of thousands of new homes to be built in Teignbridge? Where on earth do all these buyers come from to settle in an area of low employment opportunities and low average pay. Were little additional infrastructure is built alongside these large developments of new houses? With the way things are going with our incompetent government there will be many people ...