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Don Pearson

Don Pearson's Posts

DM, With Harrison's and Bailey's side by side along there, the idea of a "Conservation Area" seems pretty meaningless to me. Conservation would involve insisting that they keep the existing facade. Don

FELLover - 699
13 Jul 2010

I have no idea who I am either.

Totally agree. It is because the town is so safe that the small number of drinkers, etc. are noticed by local people in a way that they would not be in most places. Most of the time they are more of a nuisance to each other than to anyone else. Street robbery is almost unknown. Those of us who have come from cities love it in Dawlish and Teignmouth(where I live.) I have little doubt (weather ...

Dawlish Carnival??
3 Jul 2010

That's what I was thinking. If anyone hanged me at night the cctv would be neither deterrent nor useful in catching them (not that the police would be that bothered.)If, on the other hand, someone's dog made a mess on the pavement during the day......

You may not be on his distribution list for progress reports, DM. An oversight presumably.

Dawlish Carnival??
2 Jul 2010

I am disappointed. I was looking forward to being hung from a cctv stand.

3 days in June
1 Jul 2010

I agree with you. (please guys, don't accuse me of being DM) Threads do evolve naturally and that is a different process from hijacking. I can imagine a ferryman having to do a three year course to get a certificate of ferrymanship even if he's been on the sea or river all his life. Don

Dawlish Carnival??
24 Jun 2010

Agreed. When I first moved to Teignmouth, one of the first things that I noticed was that almost all of the flashing lights and sirens (not that they were frequent)were from ambulances rather than police cars. Another was that the shops did not have metal grilles over the windows.

Harrison's Revamp
24 Jun 2010

Agreed. Harrison's is prominently on view to anyone driving through Dawlish. For people who don't know Dawlish, it acts, unfortunately, as a "shop window" for the town as a whole and gives an impression, to me at least, of seaside tackiness.

I think that it can be very difficult to judge the speed of a silent object at night because you may have little idea as to how far away it is. If you were to take it for an object at a distance when it is actually a lantern and quite close, then you might well think that it was travelling pretty quickly.