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Bardwell's Posts

As a sceptic in such matters as gluten free, I have to say that Kay's cakes are absolutely delicious! Well done and well deserved!

Does anyone know if it's still there? These poor migrants tend not to last too long out of their familiar habitat.

See, you're all off again; Shakespeare said 'A fool returns to his folly as a dog to his vomit'.

28 Aug 2008

How it seems to me at the moment is that this forum ended up requiring sign-in from contributors because of the juvenile squabbles that were going on. As a result, sadly, many of the droppers in seem to have dropped out and we are left with a hard core of squabblers, maybe three or four. Which is really boring, and likely to kill this forum stone dead. A polite suggestion, but really, couldn't you ...

Local produce market
17 Aug 2008

Please do Ziggy; this is the same market that was on Dawlish lawns a couple of years ago, and that has been fighting Teignbridge red tape in Teignmouth to get out of Pellow Arcade into the more commercially viable triangle. Visited on Saturday and it was small but good. I recall that it died in Dawlish last time out of indifference if not Council difficulties - it would be great to have it back!

A good decision; at least people will have to take some responsibility for what they post instead of hiding behind 'Anon'