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General Discussion

Forged Documents
26 Feb 2011

Spot on with sharing that! I don't know who that Peter Harry bloke is, but I can't believe he's brought national shame on Dawlish!! Anyone around the UK who's read that story will be agreeing with the judge and wondering why, in this age of austerity, so much money was wasted on what was obviously a frivolous case. I'm sure Mr Harry is a nice chap and all, but why can't he put his energy towards ...

19 Feb 2011

Some bloody good comments there! Not sure about your comparison between British membership-owned Co-op and German discount merchants Lidl, but otherwise you make a sound case for change.

The Strand
18 Feb 2011

I'm not faceless. I use my name on here. Would be happy to meet as a group but don't see why it should be at the Manor as their are plenty other more suitable venues. Any prospective candidate will only get support if they explain what they intend to DO. You miss the point completely - it's not about your political views!!

18 Feb 2011

Hi Fronteraman. You appear to have overlooked my earlier question to you. Whilst I look forward to being able to combine shopping at Sainsbury with shopping in our town centre, I truly think that this is an opportunity for the people of Dawlish to put forward constructive ideas to improve our town. You know, so that it is held in the same regard as e.g. Teignmouth. What so you?

18 Feb 2011

Fronteraman. Why do you think Teignmouth is thriving and what positive action would you take to recreate that here?

It's a pity that some of these 'concerned residents' don't put their time to more constructive matters! I've not had the time to visit your premises yet, though I did pop into TYY's quite regularly. My initial thought on seeing your canopy was that it was a good idea that would help you keep the business going during inclement weather. No doubt the busybody who reported you is one of the first to ...

+1. What a hare-brained scheme that was though!

Town Council
17 Feb 2011

Good point, however I'd rather be governed at a local level by local people who understand the local issues. As long as they have a fair and equitable budget to work with. And as long as they are representative of all sections of our local society. At our level, I believe that all Borough councillors should independents, however I appreciate that there are too many vested interests to allow that ...

17 Feb 2011

How is that an improvement though? One person representing the interests of our town is surely more likely to lead to accusations that the person is not acting in the best interests of the electorate? I'd rather there be a diversity of opinions, rather than the opinions of just one person who might not truly represent me or my town.

17 Feb 2011

Doesn't sound very democratic to me.

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