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General Discussion

A discussion needs more than one person posting.Wiithout me you'd just be posting to yourself.

Blimey , you can do 2 posts in 2 minutes.Well done Roy/Viaduct. Blue Peter badge for you. Hows the cancer awareness course going?

Blimey five posts by the same person. All these rotten councils you keep copy and pasting Roy/Viaduct, are beggining to make our council look pretty good.Have you ever thought of apply for the DTC public relations job.

No,Viaduct/roy , i'm Chicken Shed, are you still too thick to understand that.

Yeah,loads of them all hiding behind one computer , making sick comments about cancer.

Looks like someone missed the point.Three times.Anon, Viaduct , anon classic. but you dont multi post do you!

He is the care in the community. Not forgetting his thick other posting name Viaduct. Then theirs the multiple anons. It certainly wasnt them headbutting each other because a mirror would be needed.

Thick as well as sick.

Good to see the pubs and cafe's busy due to the bad weather. Amusements were packed. Tourists and locals mixing well.

So do i.

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