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General Discussion

Well now xx, can you suggest something, anything, that will bring more people into the town? Also, I am rather intrigued to know why local markets/farmers' markets are so popular in other towns if they are so detrimental as you claim. Perhaps you could explain. I know for a fact that if there were to be a market on I would go into the town. As I would be in the town I would then go into the ...

Dawlish taxis
24 Mar 2007

Eddy has only been part time but he is the most polite, and friendly driver at Dawlish Taxis. Ask John the owner Eddy is held in very high esteem, We love Eddy

lansdowne fine if you have an hour or two or three to spare, being the only customers for a simple meal and having a half hour wait dread to think how long to wait if it is busy maybe a booking the week before would be reccommended

lansdowne my have the best host but attracting the best customers foul language, over indulgence, surely a good host knows when his customers have had enough and should maintain standards without a police involvement, behaviour is leaving a lot to be desired, clean it up before the 2007 season arrives how can you expect visitors to respect dawlish if residents dont know how to

17 Mar 2007

thats a laugh its only the best if you want too come out stinking of smoke, drowned in beer, want to watch big screens all the time, foul language, uncouth behaviour, see old men thinking they are a catch by oggling women who want to go out for a drink without being bothered and abused by the drunks at the bar

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