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General Discussion

Lynne, referring back to your post of 11:35 today, how did over-60s cope before the free bus passes were introduced just 6 years ago? And remember that those were also the days before the mass proliferation of the mobility scooters.

Hahah - yes it is - where I got REM from I don't know?! Everybody hurts...

7 Oct 2014

It's been there for a few weeks and is a piece by local artist REM. You might be interested to know that on Fridays REM leaves a sample of his work (e.g. last week it was a canvas) somewhere in Dawlish for someone to find and keep.

Red Rock Centre
4 Oct 2014

See the front page of the Gazette. Whilst DCC are pulling the rug from under the feet of our young adults, it doesn't mean that it's closing down  All being well.

New Bag Shop
4 Oct 2014

Where, where, where???!

If we're talking statues, then make sure you give Mike Nance a call...

Thanks Maggie, I will take that as a compliment.

2 Oct 2014

There's no need to be nasty...

"Poor farmer"?  There's no such thing! :-)

TORY LIES ??????
1 Oct 2014

Not my words either: Labour didn’t cause the banking crash and it didn’t cause the recession. Neither was caused by government overspending. If it had been, how come the crash and the recession were global events and how come the Tories were promising to match Labour’s spending plans? In 1997, Labour inherited a deficit of 3.9% of GDP and by 2008 it had fallen to 2.1%; so Labour halved the ...

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