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Dawlish News

Blah Blah Blah ...........................................

I know, why dont we increase the rates to pay for policing and sell it t the gulible ratepayers ?     Doh !!!  we have already done that for this year, put on Hernandaz to do list for next year.

Anyone surprised?  he is a politican after all....................!!!!  Don't forget were all in it together.!!! unless your George( 3 jobs) Osborne who will not let you get together in his new 7million pound pad. Mel ( what i did in parliment today) Stride  column in the local newspapers .......never mind food banks, redundancy's at BCT, and local issues. Never said in his column  about secret ...

Mel stride in the MDA paper glad that the government is paying extra for policing and with some amount or irony saying they had given council permission to exceed the cap to allow more police to be added via the rates....this is the government that chopped funding for the police. Another excuse for Teignbridge council to get more money while delivering less services,....

Re: report the other day about police car having tyres slashed Wondered if they report that as crime, if Joe public had it done no police would be interested.still good to know that commissioner coward who locked his car in the stabbing murder of the lone policeman at Westminster has his 150k pension to look forward to.

19 Oct 2018

Can't believe these figures!!! crime commissioner and police chiefs always saying how good a job they are doing with reduced resources.

But as is the way these days the police will not count it as a crime.

Funny how the guys that could make decisions for change when in power only say them after they have left office !!!!

Cosy.......?you couldn't swing a cat in there it's so small just what dawlish needs another cafe,.......,

Just so there's no ambiguity what does the term "flicking a fag"  mean.? don't want to fall foul of the PC police.

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