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Carer's Posts

Ummm. Looking at the map, it could be anywhere on this planet. It would be nice to know exactly where it is.

I'm sure that a British based charity would have appreciated the money.

Happy New Year everyone.

As I had posted before, it's a tragedy for sure, but doesn't common sense tell you NOT to go too close to the edge as there is no fence there? That wall has been like that for over a hundred(?) years, and how many people have lost their lives by falling off?

Thank you.

Merry Christmas
24 Dec 2023

And the same to you Webmaster. Thank you for all you have done this year in keeping this site running smoothly.


Waste of time as the 'brain dead no common sense' will still buy one for their little darlings then complain when they get hurt in an accident.

Luxury? Is this a joke???

A tragedy but totally ridiculous. Doesn't common sense tell you not to go too close to the edge?