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General Discussion

DA2 - School Car Park
27 Feb 2015

I promised to report back what I found about a new school car park Teignbridge referred me to the S106 agreement for 11/03265 on their planning portal, and in particular page 21 (Which is actually page 35 of 39 of the PDF) This states “The non residential car parking spaces shall at all times be made available for public use on a short stay basis between 8am – 4pm Mondays to Saturdays” ...

I have lodged an information request with the Planning Officer, and will report back what I find out.

I will happily pass on the suggestion Roberta.  If the school are not using the land it could be a good idea "budgets permitting"

26 Feb 2015

This is what I have been told by DCC, it is a case of mistaken information from Devon County that BBC broadcast in good faith * BBC requested FOI details of Asset disposals over past 3 years * Devon included land by West Cliff School that was muted for Social Housing in 2012/13 * TDC refused permission and the scheme did not go ahead * Land still belongs to DCC and should not have ...

25 Feb 2015

I am making enquiries to establish the full details on this Will report here what I find out, but to scotch one rumour immediately The land involved is most definitely NOT at Sandy Lane

@Judith I'm afraid that your description of the proposed Redrow estate as "Having an individual non-estate look about them" is wide of the mark The proposed houses are all standard off the shelf Redrow designs, a point the committee was trying to underpin by its wry reference to the style names (Oxford, Warwick etc).  a quick google search will demonstrate what I mean. They ...

St. George's Day.
19 Feb 2015

No, it isn't how anyone I know thinks.  Racism is a terrible evil but no one seriously thinks that celebrating St Georges Day is racist. Im more worried about racist beatings, abusive chanting by Chelsea fans and pigs heads being thrown through the windows of mosques

@Lynne my reference was to the youth fashion sector of princesshay like the quaintly named "fat face".  not high ticket brands .  these shops are grabbing huge retail spend Please everyone, a little positivity would go a long way :).

17 Feb 2015

I understand that the company has a longstanding lease on the site.  For more detail you may wish to enquire at the TDC estates department.

17 Feb 2015

@Margaret.  These two projects represent almost £2 million investment in the parish that Nat West walked away from.  Let's get behind our business community and applaud the good news.

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