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General Discussion

Thank you Lynne, that is exactly the point. I have been lobbying for Teignbridge to do a public consultation on plans for the Lawn for some time now, reminding them that a scheme for the town has been promised since February 2012. Unfortunately they didn't do it, and faced with CCF opening up a unique opportunity this year for storm towns to be a priority, TDC declined to make a bid saying ...

The Lawn
31 Jul 2014

John my challenge to the police has always been "If we had an alcohol ban would you enforce it". Because frankly, unless you have police officers in the town who will go up to miscreants and remove the drink, you don't have an effective ban. Instead, all you have is a collection of signs that the law abiding citizen wanting a little glass of something will obey and deny themselves that ...

Margaret On the advice of CCF we are continuing the planning process as a means of obtaining detailed views from TDC and agencies such as Environment about land and other planning issues related to replacing the Bandstand. That is the only reason why the planning application has not been withdrawn.  Were it not for this CCF advice I would personally have voted for withdrawing the ...

31 Jul 2014

Coastal Communities Fund has announced their decision on the stage one bid.  They are not supporting the project, and it will not be proceeding to stage two consideration in its present form. However, CCF is keen to support Dawlish and so they are suggesting that the Town Council and Sustrans (Who were bidding for funding linked to cycle trails) get together and write a new joint bid which ...

Pet Insurance
30 Jul 2014

It's terrible the way these schemes work. We didn't ensure our previous collie, and it turned out to be a wise choice she was amazingly healthy until the last year of her life.  Although we then spent a lot of money on treatments I am quite certain that the terms for an old dog's care would have meant we would never have recouped a lifetime of premiums. We've chosen not to ensure our ...

Dawlish carnival week
30 Jul 2014

In fairness to the Carnival Committee The income from sales of the programme is a key part of their budget, and if they put all the details on the web the sales would drop significantly

Duckileaks You say Internet isn't real life The problem is that too often real people are hurt by what is written on this site There is too much bullying - and I think it would be reduced if the webmaster enforced the site terms and if all of us posted using our real names and took responsibility for what we write.

Cliff path hedge
29 Jul 2014

Ok - will see what I can find out

29 Jul 2014

Do you mean the path leading from the rear of Warren car park to the junction of Rockstone and Marine Garage?  If so, I think it is a county responsibility but I will double check. let me know if that is the path you mean

We don't yet know the outcome of the CCF stage one bid.  This is a crucial detail as it will tell us how quickly the council has to move to adjust the proposals in light of the public comments.  It may be that quick action is required if we are still in that race. The CCF decision is due in July, so we expect to hear any day now.  It seems sensible to wait for this key extra factor before ...

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