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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

i think chicken shed is a right prat

My Kind
8 Aug 2008

Like 99.99% of the population of our great country, I don't have or need an agenda. And I certainly don't feel as if I'm missing out by not having one. Not if having an agenda makes one as bitter, twisted and myopic as certain people we could mention, "B. Green". However, given evidence I will always examine that evidence and if it proves conclusive will do whatever is within my limited powers ...

8 Aug 2008

Where's your evidence that the person's you have publicly named are taking 40% of the charitable donations? I don't want "clues", it's evidence that's needed. And I tell you what, if you provide evidence I will back you up on this 100%. However, please remember that this evidence needs to exist out here in the real world and not just inside the head of one person. I look forward to reading it.

8 Aug 2008

Close, but not quite accurate. Yet again. The bagpipers actually played 'Scotland the Brave' when the Malawi team entered the stadium. Perhaps you should do us all a favour and emigrate to Malawi, seeing as you hate it here so much. Anyways... According to the official press release, the British team's "comfortable and fashionable yet classic" outfit is finished with "traditional British canvas ...

Google is your friend. In no particular order: ...

My Kind
8 Aug 2008

Where's the evidence? As per the earlier poster, I'm also asking you to please provide a link to a website to demonstrate your allegation having a single grain of truth about it. What made you pluck 40% as a figure off the top of your head? Why not 50%? Why not 30%?

Wrong person again, you muppet. It can't be me, after all I'm too busy with: a) the carnival b) selling houses c) pouring pints d) mayoral duties e) performing weddings, funerals and christenings f) running a computer/cycling business (your latest stab in the dark) g) ripping the piss out of repetitive, copy+paste fixated, delusional, drunkard morons. Delete whichever are not applicable.

For what it's worth, I agree with everything you have written there 'Kirsty'. Your questions are spot-on and deserve to be answered in a mature and reasoned way. Good luck.

8 Aug 2008

GO. TO. BED. Come on pal, I'm feeling sorry for you now - sleep off your drunken stupor. You sound like a 15-year-old. Oh.

7 Aug 2008

Roy/Anon. GO. TO. BED. You are pissed and making things a whole bunch worse for yourself with your insane ramblings. Someone needs to tell you how serious your libel is. This is the real world mate, not some little fantasy inside of your head. Now toddle along to bed, get some sleep, and see if you have it inside of your soul to come back on here tomorrow and apologise to Karen Tracy for your ...